Grievers and Poets: When a Loved One Dies is a collection of twenty-four grief poems that take the reader on a compassionate journey exploring what grievers may experience after a significant loss. We know that people grieve differently but there are also many commonalities and shared suffering. This children’s poetry book acknowledges that although you may never be the same, you can find meaning and peace while still honoring the person who died. These grief poems have a definite arc that depict real pain and gradual healing. The characters in the book are children who support each other through their losses with the help of poetry. Each poem is research based and focuses on topics such as embracing the pain and finding meaning as you journey with your grief.
After losing our son Kenny in December of 2019 we have a special place in our hearts for those grieving the loss of a loved one. We understand the devastating effects grief can have on a family. We have traveled a journey of depression and PTSD while struggling to confront the all too real pain of loss. During our journey, navigating the rocky waters of grief, we have found hope and renewed spirt in sharing poetry with others. To help guide others on their grief journey, we have written and published this children’s poetry book. It is our greatest hope that this book will provide comfort and peace to those lost in a sea of grief and pain.
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